Editorial Note Letter from Editors-in-Chief Editorial Note Letter from Editors-in-Chief

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Ahmet Başal
Ceyhun Yükselir
Erdem Akbaş


On behalf of the editorial board, it is our privilege and great pride to announce the launch and the very first issue of our journal 'Focus on ELT' (FELT). Devoted to and focused on solely to the English language teaching and learning, FELT is an open source journal and accepts articles written from a theoretical or applied perspective with the possible applications to the field of English language teaching and learning.
To make FELT a high-calibre scientific publication venue, we have the following principles while accepting studies to the journal:  FELT publishes fully refereed high-quality original research articles and studies for the benefit of teachers and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching.  FELT accepts articles written from a theoretical or applied perspective with the possible applications to the field of English language teaching and learning.  FELT follows stringent publication ethics and all submissions are undergone rigorous plagiarism check. If there is an issue with plagiarism in any of the submissions, these papers are withdrawn at any state of the publication process.


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How to Cite
Başal, A., Yükselir, C., & Akbaş, E. (2019). Editorial Note Letter from Editors-in-Chief: Editorial Note Letter from Editors-in-Chief. Focus on ELT Journal, 1(1), 1–3. Retrieved from https://focusonelt.com/index.php/foe/article/view/9