Submissions for June and December 2025 issues are open!
Dear Focus on ELT contributors and readers,
Our publication calendar in 2024 was enriched with two special issues alongside our regular issues, bringing a diverse array of topics and insights into English Language Teaching.
In 2025, Focus on ELT Journal is now accepting original articles and book reviews for our regular issues to appear in June and December 2025.
We welcome submissions dealing with issues about English Language Teaching and Learning for our next issues. The scope of the journal includes, but not limited to, the following subjects: teaching English as a foreign or second language, English language teacher training and education; theory and practice in English language teaching and learning; English language teaching materials; and innovative instructional designs in English language teaching. Submitted articles should focus on directly an aspect related to English language teaching/learning. In any submitted article where English language teaching and learning is not the ultimate aim or touches on less significant aspects of it, it will not be considered.
Please visit to make your submission.
Focus on ELT Editorial Team