Shaping academic identity: The influence of journal editorship on Vietnamese EFL lecturers
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This qualitative study investigates the impact of the role of journal editor on the sense of self within the academic community, focusing on Vietnamese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lecturers. Amidst Vietnam’s evolving EFL academic environment, this research aims to explore how transitioning into a journal editor role influences lecturers’ professional identity, recognition, and sense of belonging within the academic community. Employing a qualitative methodology, the study utilized semi-structured interviews with two Vietnamese EFL lecturers who had recently transitioned into journal editor roles. Through thematic analysis, three key themes emerged: an enhanced sense of professional identity, increased recognition and influence within the academic community, and a shift in perceptions of role and responsibility. The findings reveal that assuming a journal editor role significantly impacts lecturers’ professional identities, enhancing their sense of self and positioning within the academic community. The study highlights the role’s transformative potential in elevating academics’ professional trajectories and reshaping their professional identities. This study contributes to the understanding of academic identity dynamics, particularly in non-native English-speaking contexts, offering valuable insights for academic institutions, scholarly publishers, and individuals navigating the complexities of academic roles and identities.
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