High-school English teachers’ attitudes towards using authentic materials and non-authentic materials in English lessons in Türkiye
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This mixed-method design study examines high-school English teachers' attitudes toward using authentic and non-authentic materials in Türkiye. It thoroughly investigates teachers' instructional material uses and the underlying reasons for using certain materials in their teaching practices. The study comprised forty Anatolian high-school English language teachers from five schools in five districts of Kayseri. Data gathered from a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews revealed that high-school English language teachers in Türkiye had positive attitudes toward using authentic materials (materials used by native speakers in their daily life). In contrast, they had negative attitudes toward using non-authentic materials (current official textbooks). It was also pointed out that despite their negative attitudes toward these materials, teachers used official textbooks more frequently than authentic materials. The primary underlying reason for this discrepancy was explained as the relevance of these materials to the curriculum and the lack of time to adapt authentic materials. Teachers also reported that they could not use authentic materials as frequently as they wished even though these materials were appropriate for their students' needs with their engaging, communicative, and flexible content. This study's results are expected to contribute to the future development of the curriculum and teaching materials, considering teachers' attitudes in Türkiye.
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