Guest Editorial: Preface to the Dedicated Issue Honoring Prof. Dr. Gölge Seferoğlu
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We are very pleased and honored to have edited this special issue of Focus on ELT (FELT) Journal, which has been prepared as a dedicated issue honoring Prof. Dr. Gölge Seferoğlu. We would like to thank Ahmet Başal, who is the Founding Editor- and Editor-in-Chief, Ceyhun Yükselir and Erdem Akbaş, the Editors of FELT, for the opportunity to prepare and edit this dedication issue together with Prof. Dr. Gölge Seferoğlu’s former students. The honor of this dedicated issue of FELT has been bestowed on Prof. Dr. Gölge Seferoğlu and the field of language teaching and learning that she has always loved and fostered through her professional career, which also underlies her teaching and research philosophy: ‘Live to Learn, Learn to Live.’ It is her teaching philosophy, long-standing commitment to training and mentoring, and dedication to professional service that has a tremendous impact not only on her former and current students’ personal and academic life but also on her field of expertise in applied linguistics and technology-enhanced language learning and teaching.
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