A case study with Sponge Bob through sociolinguistics: Improving the English language learning awareness in young learners
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This study examines the effectiveness of using the cartoon "SpongeBob SquarePants" to enhance sociolinguistic awareness among young English learners. Recognizing the difficulty in developing metalinguistic skills in young learners, this research uses cartoons to create authentic and engaging sociolinguistic contexts. Participants were provided with language scenarios involving family, friends, and school settings. Data was gathered through one-to-one interviews, focusing on their experiences, awareness of language variations, and its relevance to daily life. The transcribed interviews were analyzed thematically to uncover insights into the participants' sociolinguistic experiences. The study addresses a gap in the literature, as most sociolinguistic research has centered on adults. Findings suggest that young learners’ language use is influenced by contextual factors such as setting, gestures, and mimicry. Emotional and demographic factors like sincerity, formal relationships, and age differences also impact language use. The study concludes that integrating sociolinguistic elements into EFL classes can improve linguistic skills, cultural awareness, and social competence. It recommends further research on the long-term effects and integration of sociolinguistic education in curricula.
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