Using corpora for language teaching and assessment in L2 writing: A narrative review
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Corpora have primarily been used in linguistic research, but they have not yet become a pedagogical mainstay of language teaching and assessment practices. Therefore, this narrative review paper aimed to inform practitioners and researchers by examining the advantages and disadvantages of data-driven learning and exploring the use of corpora in foreign language teaching, particularly in writing. Specifically, the goals of this paper include: (1) elucidating what data-driven learning is and its potential to shape the learning experience, (2) explaining and exemplifying how learner corpora can guide EFL learners with particular attention to academic writing, and (3) providing insights into the indirect uses of corpora in teaching and assessing academic writing in L2. The review has met its objectives by presenting evidence compiled from the results of corpus-related studies and references to the use of corpus in language instruction.
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