From Practicum to Real Classroom: Does Experience Change Perceived Self-efficacy Beliefs of English Language Teachers?
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The present study aimed to explore the changes in the perceived self-efficacy beliefs of English language teachers over a four-year period, from pre-service through in-service. With that aim in mind, the study aimed to shed light on the differences the actual teaching experience might create on the self-efficacy perceptions of EFL teachers. The data for the study were collected through The Turkish Version of The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale adapted from Çapa, et al. (2005). The scale was administered three times: before and after practicum and after four years of actual teaching experience. The findings of the study indicated a gradual increase in the participants’ efficacy levels in classroom management and instructional strategies over the course of time. However, the increase after four years of teaching was found to be more prevalent and remarkable.
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