Language Learning Strategies Used by the Turkish EFL Learners to Improve their Reading Skill
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This study investigated strategies of the learners who started their learning process from A1 level to improve their reading skill. 10 different students were chosen considering their range of learner profiles. Thus, 3 of them were chosen from high-achievers, whereas 3 of them were chosen among low-achievers. The other 4 students were among the ones whose success level was on average. These students were interviewed at the end of the first term when they were supposed to complete the A2 level. Additionally, they were taken to think-aloud-protocols right after the interviews to evaluate their reading performance and to monitor what kind of strategies they were using to do the tasks given to them and to check whether they were doing what they had said in the interviews. The same procedure, which included the interviews and think-aloud protocols, were applied at the end of the second semester. It was found that in the second term the hardworking group changed the strategies that they had been using in the first term, Changes in learners’ responsibilities whereas there seemed to be no change in the strategies used by the other group members.
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