An An Experimental Study on EFL Teacher Trainees’ Opinions about English as a Lingua Franca
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The present study investigates three different groups of Freshman year EFL teacher trainees’ opinions regarding the English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) Perspective in ELT. A quantitative quasi-experimental research design with repeated measures was used to investigate the initial opinions of the participants, and how their opinions changed after semester-long target culture native speaker-oriented class practices versus intercultural ELF-oriented practices as part of their Listening and Pronunciation course. A total of 83 students participated in the study. To collect data, a six-item mini questionnaire was used as pre and post survey immediately before and after the experiment. The results indicated that the teacher trainees under investigation favored native English varieties over nonnative ones while at the same time accepting the international lingua franca role of English in today’s globalized world. The three different treatments they took during the experiment caused some changes in their initial opinions as will be explained in detail in the coming sections of the paper. The overall findings of the study support previous research on language learners’ opinions about and attitudes towards different varieties of English, and their use in English lessons and course materials
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