Investigating high school teachers' digital practices and alignment with the EFL curriculum
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This study aims to find out the proficiency of English teachers working at high schools in Türkiye in digital literacy and their adherence to the English as a Foreign Language curriculum concerning digital integration. Utilizing a descriptive case study, the research involves three EFL teachers working at various school contexts. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and a focus-group interview. In order to analyze the data, thematic analysis was applied, and key themes were identified. The findings reveal that teachers consistently integrate digital literacy into their practices, using various tools to enhance student engagement and collaboration. Despite a centralized curriculum that limits flexibility, the participants in the current study try to modify their pedagogical approaches to accommodate the various needs of learners by utilizing their digital literacy, touching upon issues such as e-safety and disinformation. The study suggests important implications regarding differentiated curriculum materials based on school types and continuous professional development for teachers.
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