EFL teachers’ use of the seven principles for good practice in education and its relation to their job satisfaction
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The constant changes and developments in every sphere of life make the same or similar changes in the field of education inevitable. Accordingly, to meet the requirements due these changes and developments and increase the quality of education, different approaches, methods, techniques, models or tools have been generated. One of the models proposed to improve the quality in education is Chickering and Gamson’s seven principles for good practice in higher education. In this respect, this study aims at investigating the use of these seven principles of good practice by teachers of English in Türkiye. The study also aims to explore whether there are differences in the levels of using these principles from principle to principle and the relationship between teachers’ use of the principles and their job satisfaction levels. This quantitative study presents the findings from the data obtained through The Faculty Inventory of the Seven Principles for Good Practice and Job Satisfaction Inventory. The statistical analyses of the data gathered from 102 participants showed that teachers often used these principles in their classes and their levels of using them varied from principle to principle. Based on the findings, the principle most frequently employed was emphasizing time on task, while active learning techniques were the least commonly used. The participants’ levels of satisfaction with their job, on the other hand, was found to have significant and positive correlation with their use of the principles. This study contributes to the field by highlighting the limited use of active learning and teacher-student interaction among EFL teachers in Türkiye and emphasizes the role of teacher job satisfaction in effectively implementing educational principles. Under the light of the findings, the study makes several suggestions for practitioners and future research.
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