Exploring the use of ChatGPT in improving students' paragraph composition skills
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This study aims to explore the effectiveness of ChatGPT in improving paragraph composition skills among students. By identifying both the benefits and challenges of using ChatGPT as an educational tool in writing courses, the research addresses a significant gap in the literature regarding AI-driven tools in writing pedagogy. The study employs a qualitative research framework, focusing on an in-depth exploration of students' experiences and perceptions. Five students from the English Language Education Department who have completed a Paragraph Writing course participated in the study, making them ideal for providing relevant insights. Data was collected through interviews, chosen for their ability to elicit detailed, qualitative information directly from the participants. The findings reveal that ChatGPT serves as a valuable resource for students, aiding in the understanding of paragraph writing theories and providing feedback on their writing. However, challenges such as discrepancies between the questions asked and the answers provided by ChatGPT were noted, which could affect its effectiveness as a learning tool. The study underscores the potential of ChatGPT to enhance paragraph composition skills, suggesting its integration into educational settings. It also highlights the need for educators to be aware of the limitations and challenges of using ChatGPT, ensuring that it complements traditional teaching methods effectively. The findings offer a foundation for further research on optimizing the use of AI tools in education, contributing to the development of innovative teaching strategies.
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