Comparison of individual differences and Hofstede’s culture layers in the SLA process
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The preliminary idea of incorporating culture into language teaching has not been thoroughly framed from the Sociopragmatic and Pragmalinguistic dimensions, whereas second/foreign language learning was the focal point of attention in the various contexts. At this point, Hofstede defines the term "culture," and its six dimensions: Masculinity/Femininity, Indulgence/Restraint, Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Long/Short Term Orientation. It is helpful to remember that each of the six culture layers that Hofstede established may help us to comprehend individual differences, which is the fundamental idea behind the SLA (Second Language Acquisition) process. The relationship between language and culture is examined in the present narrative study by using the lens of Sociolinguistics and SLA principles to understand the role of culture in the SLA process via unrevealing the similarities between Hofstede’s culture layers’ and the principle of individual differences in SLA (Dörnyei, 2007). Depending upon the results of the present narrative literature review study, the process of learning a language is culture-specific, which is also supported by the idea of "culture" being homogenized. There is undoubtedly no objective tool for assessing culture inside a certain society. Nonetheless, during the SLA process, taking into account the unique characteristics of EFL environments could aid in the development of both large- and small-scale policies and initiatives that will further the process.
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